How do I know if I have skin allergies?
If you have dermatitis or eczema, a dermatologist may recommend patch testing to help determine the cause. Patch tests are also recommended if your dermatitis is not responding well to treatment and other skin conditions such as acne or rosacea do not appear on the skin. Patch testing can be used in both adults and children, and should only be performed by an experienced professional with proper training.
What happens during patch testing?
Before starting any treatments for your dermatitis, make sure that they’re safe and effective by doing a patch test first! The doctors at Hollywood Dermatology and Cosmetic Specialists will explain how long it takes before results come back from this process so you can plan accordingly. The entire procedure usually lasts about five days total: one day for preparation, two days for patch testing itself, and two days of waiting.
The dermatologists will apply small patches containing various allergens onto your skin in order to determine which ones cause dermatitis symptoms such as redness or swelling reactions when exposed over a period of 24 hours. After 48-72 hours later they’ll remove these patches and observe your skin for any additional reactions. This gives everyone the information necessary to move forward with effective treatments, medications, and even avoidance techniques for environmental allergens.
Call the team at Hollywood Dermatology and Cosmetic Specialists today!
Our doctors offer South Florida area patients solutions for a wide range of general and cosmetic dermatologist concerns. If you are located in the community and are seeking assistance for possible skin allergies, it might be time to talk to one of our team members about undergoing patch testing to pinpoint your specific allergens. Call us today at (954) 961-1200 to request an appointment at any of our seven office locations throughout southern Florida.