Patients who are seeking a non-invasive alternative to a number of other common dermatological treatments for improving the texture and tone of the skin are encouraged to ask the team at Hollywood Dermatology and Cosmetic Specialists about the advantages of IPL treatments.
What are IPL treatments?
IPL stands for “intense pulsed light.” The treatments completed with this type of light may also be known as photo-rejuvenation or photo facials. When patients use intense pulsed light, they are able to undergo a treatment program that is safe and customizable to their unique skin needs. IPL treatments are effective at addressing a wide range of problems that may develop on the skin, including:
- Red and flushed skin
- Brown spots / age spots / sun spots
- Broken capillaries
- Freckles
- Sun damaged skin
- Rosacea
Treatments are typically done on the facial area, though patients may also utilize IPL to treat the skin on the chest, hands, and neck.
How does IPL work?
The intense pulsed laser light used in this treatment is emitted from a specialized device. The light is administered by a dermatological professional at Hollywood Dermatology and Cosmetic Specialists, during which the light wavelengths will penetrate deep into the skin to treat effectively reduce the appearance of pigmentation concerns, while stimulating skin cell production in a more natural manner.
How many treatments of IPL should I receive to achieve my goals?
When you are first deciding if IPL is right for you during a consultation appointment with our providers, we work together with our patients to help design a treatment plan for their skin care needs. If patients are good candidates for IPL treatment, they may undergo a series of anywhere from three to six initial treatments to start to see results. Treatments can be continued over time on a monthly basis or as needed for continued improvements.
Ready to discuss skin rejuvenation services such as IPL?
Patients in and around the communities of South Florida who are seeking skin rejuvenation services for improving the texture and tone of their skin are encouraged to book a consultation with one of our providers at Hollywood Dermatology and Cosmetic Specialists. We have seven convenient locations around the area, and can be reached by phone at (954) 961-1200.